iWorkplace Settings Page

What is happening?


As part of our regular and ongoing updates to our iWorkplace apps we wanted to let you know about some important updates coming your way.


App Registrations – Following Microsoft’s lead, we are improving our security measures by updating all existing app registrations with a unique certificate.


We will be reaching out to you shortly with a public key (certificate) that you can use to update your App Registration.


iWorkplace App Settings - This update is being made in line with Microsoft’s latest best practice recommendations and will change how users currently access iWorkplace App Settings. This update ensures iWorkplace apps continue to take advantage of the latest functionality made available by Microsoft.


We will roll out this update once your App Registration has been updated.

What does the new settings page look like?

When will this update happen?


We will begin rolling out this update in the coming weeks through to the end of January 2024. We will be in touch with you to confirm the timing of the update for your organisation – if you have a preference for timing or special requirements such as a Change Control Process, please let us know.


We understand over the Christmas break you may have a brown-out period during this time. We will have a skeleton staff available during this period so are happy to complete the change during this time if this suits you.

What do I need to do to prepare for this update?


Prior to the settings page being deployed, you will need to add the certificate we send you, to your iWorkplace App Registrations.


If change control is required within your organisation, this will also need to be carried out prior to the updates.


Once both your App Registration & Settings pages have been updated, we will provide you with instructions on how to access your app settings.

Will this have any impact on our data or settings?


No data or settings will be lost, we are not making any changes to, or moving any data or settings.

How will this update be deployed?


Our Customer Success team will use a tool to update all existing sites and site templates that contain iWorkplace apps with the new iWorkplace Settings Page.

How can I access the new settings page?


Following Microsoft’s latest functionality changes – we want to make it easier for you to manage your app settings by creating a central settings page within each site.


You can access this page by adding /sitepages/iWorkplace.aspx to the end of the url for the site you wish to view the settings for.


If your organisation has breadcrumb globally deployed, users that can update app settings will see a new cog icon on the right hand side of their breadcrumb – this will take you straight to the settings page for that site.


You can also navigate to this page via the site pages library for the site.


If a user without sufficient permissions accesses the settings page via the URL or site pages, they will be able to read the manuals and see which apps your organisation has, but they will not be able to edit the settings. If they try to access the  app settings, an error message will display.


For organisations with breadcrumb globally deployed, users without sufficient permissions within a site will not see the gear icon.


Regardless of how you access the iWorkplace settings page, those who had permissions to update apps previously will continue to do so, and those who did not, will still not be able to.

Who can I ask for help?


If you have any questions before, during, or after this update occurs, please reach out to our Customer Success Team.