Smart cities: Office 365 strategy workshops a hit
In September 2019, Information Leadership ran Office 365 strategy workshops for local government across the country. They were attended by over 35 staff from 20 councils. The workshops explored how to harness Office 365, including Teams, OneDrive, the Power Platform, and SharePoint Online. The next series of workshops are being run October and November 2019 - these are open to any NZ organisation.
We are excited to be able to share the attendee feedback - out of 151 ratings across all of the feedback categories we received no negative scores - and only two were neutral.
The positive feedback from attendees is a credit to the workshop facilitators, Directors, Sarah Heal and Grant Margison, and Technical Director of Infrastructure and Cloud Platforms, Ian Morrish. The course content leverages 15 years of expertise on information and knowledge management.
These workshops were run in conjunction with Association of Local Government Information Managerment [ALGIM] with whom Information Leadership is proud to be an Elite Partner. Their mission is for a digitally transformed local government sector. CEO, Mike Manson says “Information Leadership share this goal, and we look forward to their support in driving digital transformation throughout New Zealand."