Take hold of the future with Information Leadership

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Is your organisation ready to take flight with Copilot?


The winds of change are ushering in a new era of work with generative AI and tools such as Microsoft 365 Copilot leading the charge.


Why now?


The velocity of this change is unlike anything we have seen before – a technological revolution that will forever change the way we work and live. AI is not the future, it’s here now, and it’s reshaping entire industries. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for your organisation to bridge the gap between current practices and the exponential advancements in technology that are unfolding in front of you.

"AI won't replace you, people using AI will"

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Get Excited

To see how Copilot can benefit your organisation, your team needs to understand what it can do. Our pre-flight checklist will show you the potential of Copilot with real examples of how we rely on these tools to boost productivity and spark creativity every day; and why now is the best time to get on board.

Get Ready

People and output are what differentiates your organisation from others. We can help you audit your content to understand where it is and who has access to it. We’ll provide you with an assessment of your risk profile, existing protection measures and clear next steps to ensure your content is Copilot-ready! We’ll share the three pillars for success we use to plan for deployment and get your people to those aha! moments earlier.

Take off

Finally, you’ll be ready for take-off! Empower your people to integrate Copilot seamlessly into their existing work day, amplify productivity and level up collaboration. Our user enablement plan draws from the firsthand experience of our own Copilot deployment. You’ll benefit from the lessons we’ve learned, and we’ll share scenarios to fast track adoption and effectively measure the return on your investment.

Join us for a two-hour workshop where we will share our experiences with Copilot and how you can safely get started, right now.


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Christchurch - 2nd July

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Wellington - 3rd July

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Auckland - 4th July

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Online - 5th July

Register your interest

Are you ready to see what all the fuss is about? Join our team of Information Protection Experts at one of our four, nation-wide workshops - spaces are limited so get in quick!

Learn more

Interested to learn more about what we do?

Join our Resource Centre and gain access to case studies, demo videos and more!